7Side Design Blog

Exploring Modern Design Through Furniture, Graphics, and Products.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Vintage Tools

Has "vintage" killed the "used" market? Why sell used goods when you can slap a vintage label on on a microwave and charge a couple more bucks? Marketing spin for the privateer? Maybe, or maybe vintage has come to define used products with a higher value?
1986 Tercel advertised as Vintage and Retro.
That would be a perceived value of course, but that would describe my elated feelings when I became the steward of this Superior Power Tools Heavy Duty 18 Speed Drill Press. I say steward because a tool as solid as this will one day be passed on just like it was generously bestowed upon me by a good friend who was making room in their garage. I gladly took it in and have begun some mild refurbishing.

The drill came to me well cared for, but I will get some more pictures up when it is shining like new. I am glad to have it in my arsenol of tools.

1 comment:

  1. Man that thing is sweet. Tried to Google it up to see if there were others out there and I couldn't find much, so it must be pretty rare. Awesome find.
